
Showing posts from September, 2019


Cryptography is the use code to secure information. It was original from Greek words 'kryptos' and 'graphein' , meaning 'hidden' and 'to write' . There are some key term that need to be understood to get earlier to understand cryptography. plain text is the information or message that is to be hidden. encryption is the operation of distinguishing the plain text. encryption algorithm is the set of rules used for encrypting the plain text.  encryption key is the value need to be input into encryption algorithm to perform the encoding. cipher text/cryptogram is the encrypted plain text.  decryption algorithm is the set of rules used for decrypting the plain text.  decryption key is the value need to be input into decryption algorithm to perform the decoding.  Put the key terms together, the process of cryptography between a sender and a receiver can be explained as below: